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Outfit your digs with the environment in mind

Got your new college digs, but wondering how to fill the empty space? Whether it’s a room within Chico State’s Whitney Hall or an apartment off campus, you’ll discover there are plenty of options to outfit your place without taxing the environment or putting a huge dent in your wallet. Here are a few tips:

First off, think free. The World Wide Web is home to ingenious sites that help people to reuse unwanted goods by donating them (or selling them really cheap) to others. These networks help to save our precious resources. One of the biggies is There you’ll find quality new and used stuff you can pick up for just a few bucks, by bartering or checking out the “free” link. Really short on cash? No problem. Sign up at and you’ll be able to give and receive items … yep, for free.

If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, try thrift stores. In Chico, they’re aplenty and several are within walking or biking distance of Chico State. The Salvation Army has a big store at Seventh and Broadway in downtown, but its store farther south (1054 Broadway) is where you’ll find inexpensive household goods and furniture. From there, head to the ARC Thrift Store (2020 Park Ave.).

Most grocery stores and markets now carry eco-friendly home products—lines of toiletries, cleaning and laundry supplies. For the best variety, though, head to Chico Natural Foods or S&S Produce and Natural Foods. For other products let your fingers do the shopping at the locally owned and operated, where you’ll find everyday essentials such as organic cotton pillows to extravagant items such as energy-saving hairdryers.