The reader has spoken: just art

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Musing around A few weeks ago, Arts DEVO received an anonymous postcard (featuring a lovely illustration by OG poster artist Edward Penfield) that I’ve been meaning to comment on, but I keep forgetting. It reads: “Hello. Please, can’t arts column go back to covering the arts? It’s too important to sacrifice the space on other musings, right? Thank you.” If I wanted to be a total knee-jerk—and I kind of did at first—I could’ve easily responded with a whole column about why peanut butter is the perfect food (mental note: write the definitive peanut butter is manna column—make it a three-part series, include personal anecdotes about my dog, my wife, indie rock and Magic Johnson). But even though I might not agree that this space needs to be free of my random musings, I do agree with my anonymous reader that art is important and deserves our attention. So this is me giving art full attention. Look, with me, at these pieces by artists who will be showing during an especially overstuffed weekend of new art openings (not pictured: Dirty Laundry at 1078 Gallery, tonight, Sept. 4, 6-8 p.m.; Jack Alderson’s photos at Upper Crust Bakery, Sept. 5, 5-7 p.m.; Chico Palio arts celebration at One-Mile, Bidwell Park, Sept. 6, noon-6 p.m.):