Artful designs

Chico Art Center’s winter sale shows off local artists’ wares

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There’s no time quite like the holidays to take in all the amazing creations our local artists are making. All of the many holiday craft fairs highlighted their work, much of it perfect for gifting. But there are a few places in town that show off local handmade creations year-round.

One of those places is the Chico Art Center, which has a gift shop filled with members’ work. During the holiday season, however, they open up a larger shopping area with everything from paintings and pottery to jewelry and scarves. I stopped by recently to check out what they have on offer and was impressed by how many talented artists our fair town boasts.

Nothing shows off art as well as a photograph, so I decided to dedicate this column to pictures of some of my favorite things at the Winter Art and Gift Extravaganza, which runs through Jan. 8 at the Chico Art Center (450 Orange St.).