A sound salmon switch

Wild salmon doesn’t pose the same health and habitat risks, environmentalists say

Target Corp., which is the second-largest discount retailer behind only Walmart, said it will no longer carry farmed salmon in any form, including its fresh-, frozen- and smoked-seafood sections.

Target is one of many retailers that are part of an increasing trend of shifting away from farmed salmon due to pressure from environmentalists, who prefer wild salmon because it does not hurt local habitats or pose health risks to consumers. The announcement is a part of the company’s $1 billion store renovation project at its 1,744 stores in 49 states.

In other salmon-related news, biologists will be compiling the statistics of the 2009 fall-run chinook salmon returns on Central Valley rivers throughout early February, as the state prepares for the 2010 salmon season, according to the California Progress Report.

Based on early estimates, Sacramento River counts may be headed for an all-time low.