A greener child awaits

Five ways kids can get in on the green movement

You don’t have to be all grown up to be green. Here are five simple ways the little ones (and their parents) can jump on the eco-friendly bandwagon:

Walk, carpool or take the bus to school: Carpooling and public transit save money and cut carbon emissions. Walking is among the most eco-friendly methods of getting around, with the added benefit of aiding health.

Turn off water while brushing your teeth: Saving a little water every morning adds up in the long run.

Handwash dishes: Avoiding that water-guzzling dishwasher is a great way to cut water and energy use.

Cut down on disposables: When packing lunch for school, reusable containers are best. Avoid boxed, store- bought lunches and plastic bags.

Get outside: Turn off the TV or the Nintendo and go run around outside! Not only are you cut- ting energy use, you also are laying the foundation for a healthy life more in tune with the environment.